Bureau des Avocats Internationaux (BAI) and the
Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti (IJDH) urge
the Haitian Government to take seriously the threats
made against prominent human rights advocate Pierre
Espérance, Executive Director of the National Network of
Defense of Human Rights (RNDDH). According to Mario
Joseph, managing lawyer of the BAI, “the Government has
the obligation to ensure that Espérance is free to
conduct his activities as a human rights defender
without fear of reprisals, pursuant to the 1998 UN
Declaration on Human Rights Defenders.”
On Dec. 28, 2016, Espérance received an envelope at the
RNDDH office from the group "Baz dlo nan je" (the Water
in the Eye Base) containing a letter with a bullet . The
letter threatens Espérance and his family because of the
work of RNDDH in connection with the verification of the
preliminary results of the Nov. 20 elections: "We are
watching your home, your job, your family, and your
moves... If you think you can prevent the real
[election] results, your days are numbered. Soon we will
find appropriate responses based on your actions."
The Central Directorate of the Judicial Police (DCPJ)
was made aware of this correspondence and the bullet,
and a complaint has been filed with Danton Leger,
Prosecutor for the Court of First Instance of
Espérance received a similar letter and a bullet on Apr.
2, 2014 , which led to Resolution 17/2014
from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
(IACHR) ordering the Haitian government to take "the
necessary measures to guarantee the life and personal
integrity of Mr. Pierre Espérance" and the other members
of the RNDDH. According to this order, the Government
should also "report on the measures taken to investigate
the events that led to the adoption of these measures
and avoid their repetition," which has never been done
according to Espérance. In 1999, armed men almost killed
Espérance with gunfire.
Mario Joseph added: "I am very concerned about the
vulnerability of human rights defenders in Haiti, who
fight for freedom and the rights of the Haitian people,
but who are not protected by the Haitian government’s
institutions or leaders. The DCPJ and Prosecutor Leger
must immediately conduct an independent investigation
into the threats made against Espérance and bring those
responsible to justice.” |