Konplo Aristid la (The plot
against Aristide) Li soti Washington (It came out of Washington) Li pase
Vatikan (It passed through the Vatican) Se
Bondye ki voye-l (It was sent by God) Manno
On Jul. 15,
2011, former Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide turned 58.
His birthday was marked in Haiti and its diaspora by scattered
celebrations of members and sympathizers of the Lavalas Family
(Fanmi Lavalas), the party he founded in 1996.
During the seven years he spent exiled in South Africa after the
2004 coup d’état against him, Aristide’s birthday was
commemorated by large demonstrations in the streets of
Port-au-Prince calling for his return. Over the past 25 years,
first as a liberation theology-inspired Salesian priest in the
1980s and then as Haiti’s twice elected (1990, 2000), twice
deposed (1991, 2004) President, Aristide had become a symbol of
the Haitian people’s demands for justice, democracy and
sovereignty. He received a spontaneous hero’s welcome from
thousands when he finally returned to Haiti on Mar. 18 aboard a
private South African jet. Much to the dismay of the Haitian
elite and foreign powers which overthrew him, he remained then,
and remains now, enduringly popular.
since returning to Haiti, Aristide has ventured out from his
home in Tabarre only once, due to concern over the threat of
attacks on him and his supporters. Newly installed right-wing
president Michel Martelly has, in the past, made no secret of
his antipathy for Aristide. He recently cut back Aristide’s
security detail and took back the government vehicle which
former President René Préval had provided Aristide on his
a falsely magnanimous gesture, Martelly recently suggested he
would grant Aristide an “amnesty” (which he proposed also
for recently returned former dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier),
although Aristide has never been charged, much less convicted,
of any crimes whatsoever.
That may soon change. Right-wing mouthpieces like former
International Republican Institute (IRI) agent Stanley Lucas,
pro-coup historian Michel Soukar, and former anti-Aristide
opposition spokesman Sauveur Pierre Etienne have all recently
taken to the airwaves in Haiti and its diaspora to call for
Aristide’s prosecution with lurid and far-fetched charges of
corruption and political murder.
Haïti Liberté has
also learned from protected sources that a U.S. government team
is investigating Aristide (not for the first time) to see if it
can concoct a credible human-rights case against him.
This comes as no surprise. In reviewing some 1,918 secret
Embassy cables from April 2003 to February 2010 procured by the
media organization WikiLeaks, Haïti Liberté unearthed a
behind-the-scenes look at how the U.S. State Department was
pushing for Aristide’s removal from power in February 2004 and
strongly opposed his eventual return in March 2011.
But Washington feigns neutrality. A U.S. Embassy spokesman in
Haiti told Haïti Liberté after a press briefing last Nov.
23 that Washington had no position on Aristide’s return to his
country. “Aristide’s return? That’s a Haitian question,
that’s a Haitian decision,” said Jon Piechowski.
“So the U.S. would
have no say in that. . .”
Piechowski responded, “I think whether Aristide stays
where he is or comes back to
Haiti, that's between him and
the people of Haiti.”
The secret U.S.
diplomatic cables show those statements are unequivocally false.
The cables not only bolster existing evidence of U.S.
involvement in the 2004 coup, but portray a sophisticated,
globe-spanning campaign afterwards to marginalize Aristide and
imprison him in exile.
When Aristide himself or officials from Caribbean nations like
the Bahamas talked of his rights, the United States flexed its
diplomatic muscles to oppose them. On one occasion, a U.S.
ambassador went so far as to angrily “pull aside” and
scold the Dominican Republic’s President.
The cables show how Washington actively colluded with the United
Nations leadership, France, and Canada to discourage or
physically prevent Aristide's return to Haiti. The Vatican was a
reliable partner, blessing the coup and assisting in prolonging
Aristide’s exile.
The cables also show continuity between the policies of the Bush
and Obama administrations toward Aristide. Under Bush in 2004, a
U.S. Navy SEAL team escorted Aristide on a jet into exile in
what Aristide called a “a modern-day kidnapping.” Six
years later, when Aristide announced his desire to return and
help after the devastating 2010 earthquake, Obama’s diplomatic
corps mobilized to block him. Obama himself called South
Africa’s President in a desperate failed attempt to keep
Aristide off the jet that finally flew him home.
More than two decades after Aristide first became
President, Washington’s campaign against him continues. Its last
big victory was the 2004 coup d’état, where we begin with the
intimately detailed information contained in the WikiLeaks
Bahamas shows “sympathy” and complains
U.S. is “hard-minded”
The trove of Embassy communications
obtained by WikiLeaks unfortunately does not include many cables
from the Port-au-Prince embassy until March 2005. However,
secret cables from the neighboring archipelago nation of the
Bahamas during 2003 and 2004 clearly show Washington’s hostility
toward Aristide.
The very first cable of those
which WikiLeaks provided to Haïti Liberté is one from the
U.S. Embassy in Nassau on
Apr. 17, 2003. In it, U.S. Ambassador
J. Richard Blankenship reports about a meeting where Bahamian
Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell “described the U.S. position
on Haiti as ‘hard-minded’ , and called for continued dialogue.”
Washington, at the time, had
sought to invoke a clause of the Organization of American
States’ interventionist “Inter-American Democratic Charter”
in an attempt to find some pseudo-legal leverage to remove
Aristide. But “Mitchell was dismissive of the possibility of
invoking the democracy provisions of the OAS Charter, saying
that although ‘Some people argue that's the case in Haiti ... I
think that is taking it a little bit too far,’” the cable
Washington was aware that the
government of Bahamian Prime Minister Perry Christie was working
to shore up the besieged Aristide government, and Blankenship
sarcastically concluded his message: “While The Bahamas will
remain engaged on Haiti, the Christie government will resist any
effort to put real teeth into any diplomatic effort to pressure
President Aristide, preferring (endless) conversation and
dialogue to the alternative.”
There is another cable from the
Nassau Embassy’s Chargé d’Affaires Robert M. Witajewski dated
Feb. 23, 2004, about a year later and one week before the coup.
At a Feb. 19 event, “Prime Minister Christie twice came to
the Charge's table to request an ‘urgent’ meeting,”
Witajewski wrote. After the meeting which was held the next day,
Witajewski notes that the Bahamian Prime Minister “sympathizes
with Aristide's concerns.”
Christie reviewed with Witajewski
how at the United Nations days before Foreign Minister Mitchell
“called for the international community to ‘provide immediate
security assistance to bring stability to Haiti, including
helping the legitimate authority of Haiti to restore law and
order and disarm the elements that now seek to violently
overthrow the government, and who have interrupted humanitarian
assistance,” the Chargé wrote. “Mitchell continued using
-- for him -- unusually strong language: ‘Those armed gangs who
seek now to overthrow the constitutional order should be urged
to lay down their arms and if not they should be disarmed.’”
Christie pleaded that Washington “reconsider
its position against supplying the Haitian police with lethal
weapons, and at a minimum do more to support the Haitian police
with non-lethal support,” the cable notes. The Bahamian “indicated
some sympathy for Aristide's claimed plight, telling Charge that
‘there is simply no way that a demoralized police force of less
than 5,000 can maintain law in order in a country of more than 7
Unfortunately, it seems that
Christie was also hopelessly clueless about the international
forces backing the soon-to-be accomplished coup, because in
daily phone calls with President Aristide, the cable says, “he
had stressed the importance of Aristide appealing directly to
the U.S., France, or Canada for assistance in re-equipping
Haitian police so that law and order could be restored,”
that is to the very countries which were backing the coup.
Christie was apparently so unaware
of the U.S. hand in the unfolding coup that “he had been in
contact with members of the U.S. Congressional Black Caucus to
allay their ‘deep concerns’ about the ‘good faith’ of the U.S.
and others in seeking a resolution to Haiti's crisis,”
concerns that proved to be completely justified.
In perhaps his most naive
assessment, Christie urged that U.S. Assistant Secretary of
State Roger Noriega, one of Aristide’s most bitter critics in
the U.S. government, come to the embattled president’s rescue in
the face of calls for Aristide’s overthrow from the IRI-concocted “Group of 184" front, headed by sweatshop magnate
Andy Apaid. “Christie said that he was confident that A/S
Noriega ‘had the clout’ to bring Haitian Opposition leader Apaid
around, and that once Apaid signed on to an agreement, the rest
of the Opposition ‘would follow’ in permitting President
Aristide to serve his term out since they couldn't organize
themselves to win an election now,” Witajewski wrote.
Perhaps Christie was deluded into
thinking that the U.S. would recognize Aristide’s popularity.
Christie had witnessed it first hand as one of the few heads of
government to attend Haiti’s Jan. 1, 2004 bicentennial
celebrations, to which tens of thousands turned out despite an
opposition and international boycott. Christie “made clear
his position that President Aristide is Haiti's legitimately
elected constitutional leader,” Witajewski wrote, and also
provided “an evaluation of the state of the Haitian
opposition from his position as a practicing politician. ‘Even
with a year to organize,’ he said, ‘the opposition will not
match Aristide's level of support, and would lose if Aristide
decided to run again, which he will not.’”
In a cable the very next day,
24, 2004, Witajewski reported that “The Bahamas seeks the
active support of the U.S. as the ‘most important’ member of the
Security Council as it engages on a full scale diplomatic press
to achieve peace in Haiti” and had “concluded that a
peaceful outcome without international intervention is
increasingly unlikely.”
In short, despite Christie’s
sympathy for Aristide’s situation, he “defers to [the] U.S.
as ‘Top Dog’,” the Feb. 23 cable concluded.
Encouraging “asylum”
The U.S. also asked the former Haitian
Ambassador to the Dominican Republic if he wanted political
asylum after he resigned his post on Dec. 18, 2003.
In a
Dec. 23, 2003 cable, U.S.
Ambassador Hans Hertell reported about his meeting with
Ambassador Guy Alexandre who resigned “due to what he
described as ‘incompatible principles’ with Aristide's
government” following the Dec. 5, 2003 confrontation at the
University of Haiti where “[a]ccording to Alexandre, police
officers broke both knees of one of his friends, a vice-rector
at a university.” (In fact, it was the university's rector,
Pierre Marie Paquiot, whose legs were injured – not broken –
under murky circumstances during a melee between anti-coup
popular organizations and pro-coup university students, while
the vice-rector, Wilson Laleau, suffered head injuries.)
Prompted by Hertell, Alexandre
said he would “not flee to the United States” and “has
no plans to seek asylum in the United States for now” but
rather “plans to reside in the Dominican Republic” and “get
involved in academia.”
“Requesting asylum, [Alexandre]
explained, would ‘further complicate Dominican-Haitian bilateral
relations’ and would not be in his nor Haiti's best interests,”
Hertell reported.
Had Alexandre requested U.S.
asylum, it would have helped Washington’s project of painting
Aristide as a political ogre. Instead, Alexandre “criticized
opposition groups' preoccupation with forcing Aristide's
departure without considering the consequences” and “emphasized
that Aristide's exit will not solve Haiti's socio-economic
problems,” Hertell wrote.
Alexandre also criticized the
anti-Aristide opposition “for their focus on grabbing power
rather than tackling the difficult problems of health, education
and infrastructure,” the cable said.
Vatican: “no regret” about coup
However, U.S. diplomats found much more
sympathetic ears at the Vatican.
In November 2003, a U.S. political
officer from the U.S. Embassy there met with the Vatican’s
Caribbean Affairs Office Director Giorgio Lingua, who said that
“the Vatican had noticed signs of increased discontent within
the Lavalas party” which he felt could best be fanned by “further
international pressure, especially from the United States, for
increased democratic expression within the country – without
directly challenging Aristide's legitimacy,” wrote U.S.
Chargé d'Affaires Brent Hardt in a Nov. 14, 2003 cable.
“Increased democratic
expression” was code for increased attacks on Aristide’s
constitutional government, which never once limited the “democratic
expression” of organizations or media openly calling for its
As this and later cables make
clear, “challenging Aristide’s legitimacy” and regime
change in Haiti were, in fact, the Vatican’s goals. Lingua told
the Embassy officer that “effecting change in Haiti should be
easier than in Cuba,” wrote Hardt. “Unlike Castro, Lingua
observed, Aristide is not ideologically motivated. ‘This is one
person – not a system,’ he added.”
But despite U.S. prodding, the
Vatican wanted to cloak its collusion. “When asked if the
October 16 incident [when anti-coup demonstrators protested at a
mass] might prompt the Holy See to raise its voice more
forcefully against Aristide's abuses, Lingua was noncommittal,”
Hardt wrote, “saying the Vatican needed to balance pressure
on Aristide against a delicate security situation on the ground.”
Lingua said “the Haitian bishops needed to tread lightly”
because of “Aristide's unpredictable nature,” according
to Hardt.
But the real reason the Church
hierarchy had to “balance’ and “tread lightly,”
the cable makes clear, is because Haiti’s Catholic Church was “divided”
between priests supporting Aristide and a hierarchy which did
not. (One exception was newly appointed Archbishop Serge Miot,
who Washington worried “was too close to the Aristide camp.”)
The result was “many people leaving the Church due to
disillusionment with its handling of the Aristide crisis,”
the cable says.
Progressive liberation
theologians, like Father Gérard Jean-Juste, were effectively
denouncing Washington’s growing destabilization campaign against
Aristide, and the Vatican’s supportive role, and “[a]ccording
to Lingua, Aristide’s exploitation of some clergy members for
propaganda purposes was taking its toll,” Hardt wrote. “Lingua
said Haitians see ‘a Church divided,’ with some clergy
supporting the Lavalas party and others against it. Lingua
claimed this lack of solidarity fostered disillusionment to the
point where people were leaving the Church in increasing
The problem was, in Lingua’s own
words, “the presence – in fact the omnipresence – of
Aristide,” the cable said.
The Vatican came out of the
shadows shortly after the coup was finally consummated on Feb.
29, 2004. On Mar. 5, 2004, U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican James
Nicholson wrote a cable reporting that the Holy See had “no
regret at Aristide's departure, noting that the former priest
had been an active proponent of voodoo.”
Nicholson learned this from
Embassy personnel who met with the Vatican’s Deputy Foreign
Minister Pietro Parolin, although “since February 29, the
Vatican has had no official public comment on Aristide's
Nonetheless, “even before
Aristide's departure, Pope John Paul II had appealed to Haitians
‘to make the courageous decisions their country required,’ and
had urged the international community and aid organizations to
do what they could to avert a greater crisis,” Nicholson
wrote. “This was seen as a veiled reference to Aristide's
leaving power.”
At that time, Lingua also told the
Embassy that the Vatican “saw no other way out of the crisis
and thought the former priest had to go.”
The Vatican understood it had an
important role to play in consolidating the coup, saying it was
“ready to work with a new transitional Haitian administration
to ensure a peaceful restoration of order,” Nicholson wrote.
Rome told its bishops “to exert a calming influence on the
populace,” which was outraged by the coup. But the Pope also
understood that his missionaries needed some steel behind their
gold crosses so called for “an international force [to]
quickly restore order in Haiti.”
Managing the backlash
In the days even before the coup was
consummated, the governments which backed it – the U.S., France
and Canada – began to insert “an international force” of
several thousand soldiers. They militarily occupied Haiti for
the three months from March 1 until May 31, 2004, and on June 1,
the 9,000-strong Brazilian-led United Nations Mission to
Stabilize Haiti (MINUSTAH) took over “restoration of order.”
But there was a backlash of
indignation against the coup and occupation from many Latin
American and Caribbean nations. CARICOM issued a Mar. 3
statement which expressed “dismay and alarm” about the
coup, noting the “public assertions made by President
Aristide that he had not demitted office voluntarily” and
demanding “an investigation under the auspices of the United
Nations to clarify the circumstances leading to his
relinquishing the Presidency.” CARICOM, which had proposed
an international force to protect Aristide’s government from “rebels”
and “restore order,” refused to take part in the
post-coup Multilateral Interim Force and called for Aristide’s “immediate
CARICOM also “questioned the
legality of the American-backed move to install Mr [Boniface]
Alexandre as president,” reported The Economist on
Mar. 4. CARICOM Chairman and Jamaican Prime Minister P.J.
Patterson said that the coup “sets a dangerous precedent for
democratically elected governments anywhere and everywhere, as
it promotes the removal of duly elected persons from office by
the power of rebel forces.”
A Mar. 9 cable by Nassau’s Chargé d’Affaires Witajewski provides a glimpse of the damage control
that Washington carried out in the face of such outrage.
Witajewski reports on a Mar. 8 meeting that he and his Political
Officer had with Dr. Eugene Newry, the Bahamian Ambassador to
Contrary to Prime Minister
Christie and Foreign Minister Mitchell, Ambassador Newry was
favorably disposed toward the coup. Perhaps due to his many “contacts
with the opposition,” Newry was “pleasantly surprised
with the transition now occurring” in Haiti and thought “it
was a good sign that the Haitian people overall had focused
their mistrust and dislike on the ex-President,” although he
did “fear [...] that Aristide's support network would
re-group in time for the next set of elections while the
Opposition coalition would fall apart fall once the ‘negative
force,’ i.e., Aristide, disappeared from the scene as an
effective player,” wrote Witajewski. (Newry also “did not
think that Aristide's attempts to regain support via press
encounters in the Central African Republic [where he was exiled
at the time] would impact on future Haiti developments.”)
Accordingly, Newry “downplayed
incendiary phrases in Caricom's statement on Haiti such as
expressing ‘alarm and dismay’ as matter-of-fact descriptions of
members' disappointment” and “claimed that Caricom is not
‘angry’ with the U.S. involvement in the departure of Aristide,
but rather was ‘surprised’ by the abrupt decision-making, and
Caricom's lack of involvement,” the cable said.
Newry also predicted “that
Caricom will be satisfied as long as their 10-point action plan
remains the basis for post-Aristide Haiti.” (Washington set
up a “Tripartite Commission” and a “Council of Wise Persons” as
earlier proposed by CARICOM.) Newry “concluded [that] Caricom
needs to get over its pique because ‘like a river, things must
move on’, and he understood that Haiti cannot advance without
the help that only the United States with the ancillary support
of other ‘major powers’ such as Canada and France could deliver,”
the cable said.
Newry told the Embassy what it
wanted to hear, but Witajewski, in his comments, also was aware
that the Bahamian “was perhaps overreaching in trying to put
a positive spin on Caricom's March 3 statement on Haiti and
reflecting more of the real politik position that The Bahamas
takes regarding Haitian migration than the more ideological
position of some of the other, less affected, Caricom members.”
CARICOM gets real
The Christie government’s “realism,”
as Witajewski called it in this cable, was apparent in another
from Apr. 6, 2004, when the Ambassador reported on Foreign
Minister Mitchell’s backpedaling during a Mar. 29 lunch meeting.
Mitchell “pursued his agenda of
downplaying the consequences of a division between Caricom and
the United States on Haiti,” Witajewski wrote. “Underlying
many of Mitchell's arguments was the premise that Caricom/The
Bahamas as small countries take (and are entitled to take)
principled stands while the United States necessarily engages in
real politik.”
Mitchell said that northern
Caribbean nations like the Bahamas are “cognizant of the
importance of their relations with the United States and thus
are more careful in balancing their interests with Caricom and
the U.S.” while southern Caribbean nations “are guided by
political agendas.”
Sensing he had his guest on the
defensive, Witajewski asked Mitchell “to clarify Caricom’s
call for an investigation into the circumstances of Aristide’s
resignation, [and] Mitchell sought to downplay its significance,”
the cable said. Mitchell “said that he personally envisioned
the ‘investigation’ as equivalent to resolution of a ‘routine
credentials challenge’ to a government such as occurs at the
UNGA [U.N. General Assembly] or another committee.”
However, Mitchell did have
the temerity to say “that the United States overreacted to
Jamaica’s offer to let ex-President Aristide reside in the
country and to Caricom’s declarations,” Witajewski wrote. “He
appeared to be arguing that Caricom was entitled to express its
views and not necessarily be held accountable for them. Mitchell
also claimed that despite Caricom’s verbal shots at the United
States over recent events in Haiti, there would be little net
impact on overall U.S.-Caricom relations... as long as the
United States didn't ‘overreact.’”
Mitchell upped the ante when he “insisted
that the United States should not be concerned with, or opposed
to, Aristide’s presence in the Caribbean,” a reference to
Bush administration officials’ remarks that Aristide should get
out of Jamaica and the hemisphere. Mitchell “argued that a
perceived ‘Banishing Policy’ has racial and historical overtones
in the Caribbean that reminds inhabitants of the region of
slavery and past abuse.”
Unfazed, Witajewski “inquired
on what would happen if Aristide were to meddle with Haitian
internal affairs and give his supporters the impression that he
is still a player in the future of Haiti,” which he had
every right to do. But Mitchell immediately became defensive and
“was emphatic that Jamaica will not allow Aristide to play
such an intrusive role and would ‘deal’ with Aristide if such a
situation were to arise,” the cable said.
Keeping the pressure on
Perhaps also afflicted with the “realism”
that governed Bahamian policy, other countries offered their
support to the U.S. campaign against Aristide. For example, in a
Nov. 22, 2004 cable, Guatemala’s acting Foreign Minister Marta
Altolaguirre told the Embassy there that she “agreed
wholeheartedly with [the] U.S. assessment” of Haiti and “volunteered
that her personal view was that Aristide had been a ‘disaster’
and could play no useful role in Haiti's future.”
Nigeria, after “consultations”
with Washington, also “offered Haitian ex-president Aristide
refuge in Nigeria for a few weeks before moving on to another
destination,” a Mar. 23, 2004 cable from the U.S. Embassy in
Abuja explains. The cable notes that Nigeria “has a history
of offering asylum to fleeing leaders” from collapsed
African dictatorships (like Liberia’s fallen strongman Charles
Taylor). This was a transparent attempt to associate Aristide
with such leaders.
After Aristide left Jamaica for
exile in South Africa on May 30, 2004, the US government worked
overtime to keep him out of Haiti and even the hemisphere,
rendering him a virtual prisoner-in-exile, even though the
Haitian Constitution and international law stipulate that every
Haitian citizen has the right to be in his homeland.
When Dominican President Lionel
Fernandez suggested in a statement at a hemispheric conference
nine months after the coup that Aristide should return and play
a role in Haiti’s democracy, the United States reacted angrily,
saying in a cable that Fernandez had “put a big front wrong
in advocating the inclusion in the process of former president
Jean Bertrand Aristide.”
The US Ambassador to the DR “admonished”
Fernandez “in a pull-aside at a social event.”
“Aristide had led a violent
gang involved in narcotics trafficking and had squandered any
credibility he formerly may have had,” US Ambassador Hertell
told him, according to a Nov. 16, 2004 cable.
“Nobody has given me any
information about that,” Fernandez replied.
No charges were ever filed against
Aristide for drug trafficking, although his lawyer Ira Kurzban
asserts Washington has tried. “The United States government
has spent, literally, tens of millions of taxpayer dollars
trying to pin something, anything on President Aristide,”
Kurzban told Pacifica’s Flashpoints Radio earlier this
month. “They’ve had an ATF investigation, a tax
investigation, a drug investigation, and now apparently some
kind of corruption investigation. The reality is they’ve come up
with nothing because there is nothing.”
Under the heading “Aristide
Movement Must Be Stopped” in an August 2006 cable, US
Ambassador to Haiti Janet Sanderson described how former
Guatemalan diplomat Edmond Mulet, MINUSTAH’s head, “urged
U.S. legal action against Aristide to prevent the former
president from gaining more traction with the Haitian population
and returning to Haiti.”
At Mulet’s request, UN Secretary
General Kofi Annan urged South Africa’s President “to ensure
that Aristide remained in South Africa,” where Aristide and
his family were living under an arrangement with the government
In 2005, the Lavalas Family
planned large demonstrations to mark Aristide’s birthday. The US
Ambassador to France met with the French diplomatic official
Gilles Bienvenu in Paris to discuss the possibility of
Aristide’s return.
“Bienvenu stated that the GOF
[Government of France] shared our analysis of the implications
of an Aristide return to Haiti, terming the likely repercussions
‘catastrophic’,” wrote U.S. ambassador Craig Stapleton.
“Initially expressing caution when asked about France demarching
the SARG [conveying the message to the South African
government], Bienvenu noted that Aristide was not a prisoner in
South Africa and that such an action could ‘create
Stapleton swiftly overcame Bienvenu’s reluctance. Bienvenu agreed to relay U.S. and French
“shared concerns” to the South African government, under
the “pretext” (i.e. veiled threat) that “as a country
desiring to secure a seat on the UN Security Council, South
Africa could not afford to be involved in any way with the
destabilization of another country.”
The Frenchman went even further,
according to the Jul. 1, 2005 cable: “Bienvenu speculated on
exactly how Aristide might return, seeing a possible opportunity
to hinder him in the logistics of reaching Haiti,” Stapleton
wrote. “If Aristide traveled commercially, Bienvenu reasoned,
he would likely need to transit certain countries in order to
reach Haiti. Bienvenu suggested a demarche to CARICOM [Caribbean
Community] countries by the U.S. and EU to warn them against
facilitating any travel or other plans Aristide might have. He
specifically recommended speaking to the Dominican Republic,
which could be directly implicated in a return attempt.”
Five days later in Ottawa, two
Canadian diplomatic officials met with the U.S. Embassy
personnel. “‘We are on the same sheet’ with regards to
Aristide,” one Canadian affirmed, according to the Jul. 6,
cable. “Even before these recent rumors, she said, Canada had
a clear position in opposition to the return of Aristide.”
Canada shared the message with “all
parties... especially the CARICOM countries,” as well with
South Africa.
But “the South Africans
reportedly questioned whether it is fair to encourage Lavalas to
participate in the elections without their most important leader
being on the ground,” the cable said. “They are not
convinced of the good will of those who would exclude him being
Aristide’s exclusion from Haiti
during post-coup elections was essential, because Washington was
fully aware of his continuing popularity. U.S. Ambassador James
Foley admitted in a confidential Mar. 22, 2005 cable that an
August 2004 poll “showed that Aristide was still the only
figure in Haiti with a favorability rating above 50%” and
thus “Aristide's shadow continues to hang over the movement.”
So the Embassy’s dilemma was how
to keep Aristide in exile but still mobilize the Lavalas base
because, as Foley noted, the “degree to which the Lavalas
constituency participates in the election will be a large factor
in the legitimacy of the elections, and we are therefore
following developments inside the movement closely.” They
found an answer to their dilemma in the man once considered
Aristide’s “twin,” René Préval.
Préval remains bitter
The de facto post-coup Haitian
government that followed Aristide and persecuted his supporters
resolutely opposed his return. Then René Préval, formerly Prime
Minister in 1991 under Aristide, emerged as the frontrunner to
become president (for the second time) in Haiti’s 2006 election.
U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Timothy Carney reassured Washington that
"[i]n all his private dealings, Préval has consistently
rejected any further association with Aristide and Lavalas, and
bitterly denounced Aristide in conversations with the Charge and
other Embassy officers."
In his Dec. 14, 2005 profile of Préval, he
commented: "We see no credible evidence that Préval is
prepared to reconcile with Aristide or Lavalas leaders."
Publicly, Préval maintained that Aristide was
free to exercise his constitutional right to return to Haiti. Lavalas supporters voted for him in droves, expecting he would facilitate Aristide’s homecoming.
He did not.
The next year, Préval began to
worry that Lavalas would dominate the next legislative election,
take control of the government, and pave the way for Aristide’s
return. He met with Marc Bazin, a former World Bank economist,
presidential candidate, and long-time reliable partner of the
U.S. Embassy, who relayed the conversation to U.S. Chargé
d'Affaires Thomas Tighe.
"Préval seemed preoccupied with
Aristide, asking Bazin for his advice," Tighe wrote in a
Sep. 7, 2006 cable. "(Bazin suggested that Préval travel to
South Africa to tell Aristide personally that the political
situation was too delicate for his return. Préval responded that
‘the foreigners’ would never stand for his visiting Aristide.
This was, we trust, Préval's way of discounting a monumentally
bad piece of advice from Bazin.)"
When rumors swirled that Aristide would
relocate to Venezuela, Préval told U.S. Ambassador Sanderson "that
he did not want Aristide ‘anywhere in the hemisphere,’" she
noted in an October 2008 cable. The US was concerned but did not
believe the rumors to be credible.
There was no change in Washington’s policy
of blocking Aristide’s return with the Obama administration’s
arrival. Aristide himself held a press conference the day after
the Jan. 12, 2010 earthquake saying
he wanted to return to help with Haiti’s recovery.
“As far as we are concerned,
we are ready to leave today, tomorrow, at any time to join the
people of Haiti,
share in their suffering, help rebuild the country, moving from
misery to poverty with dignity,”
he said, close to tears.
joins the fight
The U.S. Embassy’s Deputy Chief of Mission
(DCM) met with his counterpart at the Vatican to discuss the
earthquake and relief efforts days later. A Jan. 20, 2010 cable
reports, “In discussions with DCM over the past few days,
senior Vatican officials said they were dismayed about media
reports that deposed Haitian leader -- and former priest -- Jean
Bertrand Aristide wished to return to Haiti... The Vatican's
Assesor (deputy chief of staff equivalent), Msgr. Peter Wells,
said Aristide's presence would distract from the relief efforts
and could become destabilizing.”
Then the Vatican’s Undersecretary for
Relations with States, Msgr. Ettore Balestrero, called Archbishop Bernardito
Auza in Haiti, who “agreed emphatically that Aristide's
return would be a disaster.” The Vatican “then conveyed
Auza's views to Archbishop Greene in South Africa, and asked him
also to look for ways to get this message convincingly to
Aristide. DCM suggested that Greene also convey this message to
the SAG [South African government].”
U.S. efforts to block Aristide
from returning to Haiti continued up until the day he was
heading to the jet that would fly him back to Port-au-Prince.
UN Secretary Ban-Ki Moon and
President Obama both phoned South African President Jacob Zuma
asking that he stop Aristide from leaving South Africa before
the Mar. 20 run-off election, according to the Miami
President Aristide has chosen to remain outside of Haiti for
seven years,” State Department spokesperson Mark Toner told
reporters days before Aristide boarded his plane, echoing the
Bush administration’s claim that Aristide had “chosen” to
leave Haiti in the first place.
return this week could only be seen as a conscious choice to
impact Haiti’s
elections,” Toner
said, as if Aristide did not have the right to do so while the
U.S., which virtually dictated the results, did. “We would
urge former President Aristide to delay his return until after
the electoral process has concluded, to permit the Haitian
people to cast their ballots in a peaceful atmosphere. Return
prior to the election may potentially be destabilizing to the
political process.”
hero’s welcome
return on Mar. 18 did nothing of the sort. “The problem is
exclusion, the solution is inclusion,” Aristide said during
a brief return speech at the airport after landing. And then he
made his only reference, however oblique, to the election from
which his party was barred: “The exclusion of Fanmi Lavalas
is the exclusion of the majority.”
Two days later the second round of Haiti’s election went off
without a hitch, but with record low participation by Haitians.
Some polling stations in Port-au-Prince were empty, with stacks
of ballot sheets sitting around, hours before they closed. Less
than 24% of registered voters went to their polls.
As the tropical sun came
out the morning of Aristide’s return in Port-au-Prince, nothing
seemed out of the ordinary. A 42-year-old mechanic, Toussaint
Jean, had come from the opposite end of the city with a few
friends to stand outside the airport’s chain-link fence.
“The masses of people haven’t really mobilized,”
he said, “because for three days they’ve been saying he’s
coming, but the Americans are putting pressure, and we think he
can’t return soon. Today you don’t see very many people. The
people are doubting – is he coming, is he not coming?”
Nonetheless, by the time Aristide had touched down
and finished his speech, perhaps 10,000 people (estimates vary)
had gathered outside the airport in an exuberant demonstration.
They jogged alongside his motorcade waving Haitian flags and
placards bearing Aristide’s visage, then scaled the wall
surrounding Aristide’s home and poured into its grounds until
there was no room left to move. The crowd even climbed the
house’s walls and covered the roof.
Sitting in an SUV just 20 feet from the door to his
hastily repaired but mostly empty house (“rebels” had ransacked
it after the coup), Aristide and his family waited until a crew
of Haitian policeman managed to clear what resembled a pathway
through the crowd. First his wife and two daughters emerged from
the car and dashed inside the home.
Finally Aristide, diminutive in a sharp blue suit,
stood up in the car doorway and waved. The crowd roared in
excitement and surged around him. The path to the door vanished.
His security grabbed him and shouldered their way through the
sea of humanity until they got him to the house’s door, through
which he popped like a cork, clutching his glasses in his hands.
After a coup, kidnapping, exile, diplomatic
intrigue, and his rapturous welcome, Aristide was finally back
home. |