Death Squads Sow Terror in Port-au-Prince’s Poor Neighborhoods
by Isabelle L. Papillon

Some popular
neighborhoods around the capital were in turmoil over the
past week. Heavily armed government thugs, or “legal
bandits” as they are commonly called, wearing pink bracelets
sowed panic in the areas of Simon Pelé, Cité Soleil, the
Croix-des-Bossales market, and the suburbs south of
This violence comes at a time when the
Haitian people are mobilizing against the political
persecution which the government of President Michel
Martelly and Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe is waging
against partisans of its political opposition. The people
are also demanding the release of political prisoners such
as Jean Robert Vincent, Louima Louis Juste, Jean Matulnès
Lamy, and Joshua and Enold Florestal. Progressive political
activists rot in prison without trial for years while gang
leaders like the kidnapping kingpin Clifford Brandt,
Colombian drug-traffickers, and other notorious criminals
are released, as was the case when 327 prisoners “escaped,”
with the patent collusion of prison authorities, from the
modern new prison in Croix-des-Bouquets. Meanwhile, Haitian
diaspora visitors and citizens from the United States
continue to be victims when arriving on Haitian soil.
On Wed., Aug. 20 in Cité Soleil,
Clifford Charles, a member of the Fanmi Lavalas Political
Organization was killed following a demonstration by
residents demanding the release of their imprisoned comrade
Louima Louis Juste in the National Penitentiary for the past
six months for his political opinions. As a leader of the
Movement of the Opposition in Cité Soleil (MOPOSS) Louima
Louis Juste had been very active at the head of every
demonstration demanding the resignation of the reactionary
Martelly-Lamothe regime. Another MOPOSS member, Junior
Louimé Louis Juste said that Louima's arrest demonstrates
how far the neo-Duvalierist Martelly government is willing
to go in persecuting its political opponents.
The general coordinator of the Popular
Movement of Haiti (MOPHA), Pierre Lemaire, meanwhile points
out that the Martelly government has undertaken a propaganda
campaign to pretend it is trying to reestablish the rule of
law when, in fact, the regime is working to restore a
dictatorship in flagrant violation of democratic gains. The
proof is everywhere: since the illegal arrival of this
regime in power in May 2011, no elections have been held,
the municipal administrations throughout the country are led
by de facto executive officers appointed by Martelly, the
Senate is cut by a third, and the Chamber of Deputies is
vassalized as it undertakes its last session, and the
negotiations to hold new elections are still deadlocked.
Every day, one sees a terrible
political climate emerging which is not conducive to the
holding of elections. On Sat., Aug. 23, 2014, the people of
the Bélécourt section of Cite Soleil discovered the bodies
of five people killed by the “legal bandits,” four boys and
a woman. The victims were on their way to where they try to
make a living. The residents of Bélécourt point to a man in
the area known as “Gabriel,” a gang leader in the Soleil 17
neighborhood, as the person behind the killings. "These
crimes were committed by Gabriel, the leader of the Soleil
17 gang,” said one resident. “He works in Cité Soleil for
Laurent Lamothe and Michel Martelly. He said he was ordered
by the authorities to control Cité Soleil. Prime Minister
Laurent Lamothe visited him last week."
On Thu., Aug. 21, in downtown
Port-au-Prince at the Croix-des-Bossales market, heavily
armed bandits began firing weapons and breaking things.
Larger stores were forced to close their doors while small
sidewalk merchants were forced to flee, sandwiching buyers
in the melee. The panic resulted in an unspecified number of
people killed and wounded, according to reports.
On Mon. Aug. 25, lawyers André Michel
and Newton Louis Saint-Juste were taken hostage in Petit
Goâve at the town’s courthouse by “legal bandits” who are in
the pay of the president of the Chamber of Deputies,
Stevenson Thimoléon. The lawyers went to Petit Goâve to
defend their clients, victims of these bandits. They were
attacked by the thugs in the court itself. Officers of the
Haitian National Police (PNH) had to intervene to save the
lawyers’ lives and escort them from the building.
According to some observers, the
climate of panic and political persecution in the capital is
being generated purposefully to distract from the brief
escape of gang leader Clifford Brandt and the dismal scores
students got in state exams despite the government’s
incessant propaganda that it is providing free, universal
schooling for which $1.50 is arbitrarily levied on
international money transfers and 5 cents on each minute of
every international telephone call.
One is also justified in wondering if the surge in violence
is the result of the distribution of arms to the “legal
bandits”? |