According to Haiti’s Constitution, President Michel
Martelly should pass power to his successor on Feb. 7,
2016. However, due to his foot-dragging in holding
elections during his five years in power and widespread
fraud in the first two rounds of on-going elections,
Haiti is in a full-blown political crisis, and the
scheduled Feb. 7 transfer of power from one president to
the next is not going to be smooth, peaceful, or
What will happen next is anybody’s guess, but, at
this writing (Jan. 19), there are two likely scenarios.
The first is that Martelly, with the support of
Washington and its allies, holds a third and final round
of elections now scheduled for Jan. 24 (after being
postponed previously from Dec. 27 to Jan. 17). The
problem is: who will vote?
The entire political opposition and most of the
population cried foul after violence and fraud plagued
rounds on Aug. 9 and Oct. 25. Election observers, a
legal challenge from the Lavalas Family party, as well
as a presidentially appointed Evaluation Commission,
have confirmed there were almost universal
irregularities in both elections. In the past two weeks,
four of the nine members of the Provisional Electoral
Council (CEP) have had to resign after being outed for
flagrant corruption.
While some of the worst fraud occurred in
legislative races, President Martelly’s chosen
successor, previously obscure banana exporter Jovenel
Moïse, supposedly came in first with 33% of the vote,
despite a
respected Brazilian exit poll
indicating that he came in fourth with just 6%.
Would-be second-place presidential finisher Jude
Célestin, part of a “Group of Eight” coalition (G8) with
seven other leading runners-up, called the Oct. 25
election a “ridiculous farce” and, despite pressure from
a high-level U.S. State Department delegation two weeks
ago, has
refused to participate in the second-round. He said he
wants no part of “a selection aimed at the coronation of
a prince.”
This would leave Mr. Moïse going to a
presidential run-off unopposed. Already in the last
round, only a near record-low 26% of registered voters
dared or bothered to show up. A Jan. 24 turn-out would
likely be even punier. Any unopposed “victory” Mr. Moïse
might score that day would be very controversial and
The second scenario is that a transitional
government would be formed to reorganize elections. The
big questions in that case are: how will it be formed,
for how long, and by whom? Furthermore, what would be
its mission?
A provisional government, or “transition,” as it
is commonly referred to, was first proposed over two
years ago, on Sep. 29, 2013, by a
national forum of
popular organizations organized by the Dessalines
Coordination party (KOD). The forum proposed that a 13
member “Council of State” drawn from key sectors of
Haitian society form a government with a supreme court
judge, similar to the arrangement which successfully
carried out the 1990 “transition” from the military
dictatorship of Gen. Prosper Avril to the successful
election of Pres. Jean Bertrand Aristide on Dec. 16,
Today, however, Haiti is militarily occupied by
the United Nations Mission to Stabilize Haiti
(MINUSTAH), which enforces the agenda of Washington,
Paris, and Ottawa. They are guns and bayonets behind
U.S. pressure to continue on with Martelly’s discredited
elections, and, should that fail, would surely try to
control the formation of a transitional junta.
This is why the KOD warned during its 2013 forum
that free and fair elections were not possible with
either Martelly or MINUSTAH. Today, almost the entire
country agrees.
As a result, in recent weeks, numerous
propositions have been made, in meetings, chat groups,
and radio shows, for provisional governments which would
last for months or years. Almost all of the proposals
include Mirlande Manigat, the former presidential
candidate who lost to Martelly in 2011 and who dropped
out of the 2016 race early on, perhaps to be “in
reserve” for this very moment.
The U.S. Embassy has surely drawn up its Plan B
for what a transition might look like, but Haitian
progressive organizations are thinking and working hard
to counter continued foreign meddling.
“A provisional government might have to be in
place for even five years,” said a KOD leader, Henriot
Dorcent. “Organizing truly free, fair, and sovereign
elections is not something that can be done in a matter
of months. It would have to repair all the damage done
by the Martelly regime. It would have to be a
provisional revolutionary government, rolling back
Martelly decrees creating illegal taxes, illegal posts,
illegal land seizures, destruction of state
institutions, and so forth. And of course, the occupiers
must be expelled. Otherwise, we will just repeat the
whole fiasco again.”
The skyrocketing salaries of Martelly’s CEP
members as a reward for a “job well done” has also
galled the population. Their pay have gone from 124,000
gourdes ($2,137) monthly to 240,000 gourdes ($4,137).
With an expense account of 150,000 gourdes ($2,585)
monthly, that means a CEP member gets 390,000 gourdes
($6,722) monthly income, in a country where a 13%
inflation rate and a gourde at 60 to the dollar, is
driving people into deeper and deeper misery.
In the midst of this mess, some “parlémentaires
mal élus” or PME (wrongly elected parliamentarians) from
the Aug. 9 and Oct. 25 elections illegally swore
themselves in as Haiti’s 50th Legislature on
Sun., Jan. 10, a day before the
constitutionally-mandated date (January’s second Monday)
for parliament’s renewal. Since the “National Assembly”
was carried out in violation of the Constitution’s
Article 92.2 and 98.1, Haiti’s 50th
Legislature will also likely lose its legitimacy
and have to be reelected. In the final third round, 27
deputies (of 119 total) and six senators (of 30 total)
remain to be elected.
Not surprisingly, the partial Chamber of Deputies
elected a leadership of Martelly allies, which may try
to push through some wildcard scenarios, like extending
Martelly’s term to May 14, the date when he took office
in 2011.
However, the Senate has some opposition leaders,
at least nominally: Jocelerme Privert, President; Ronald
Larèche, Vice President; Lucas Saint-Vil, First
Secretary; Steven Benoit , Second Secretary, and Carlos
Lebon, Quaestor. While they, like the G8, have called
for an independent commission to verify the Aug. 9 and
Oct. 25 pollings, they are compromised by the fact that
they mostly occupy their seats thanks to those same
The Haitian people remain mobilized to block a
bogus election or a U.S.-formed neo-Martellist
provisional government. Thousands took to the streets in
the capital, Port-au-Prince, and other towns and cities
around Haiti on Jan. 18 and 19, chanting their defiance,
setting up barricades, and clashing with riot police.
Some windows were broken and vehicles burned.
As chaos grows, it has become clear that Washington and
Haiti’s ruling class have lost control of the situation,
which poses great opportunities and also great dangers
to Haiti’s long suffering masses and long struggling
progressive organizations and parties.