This report is
based on extensive interviews,
on-site and via phone,
with more than 20 government officials, economic
development professionals, peasant farmers, and
community organizers, between July 2015 and January
2016. We reached out to Agritrans for comment, but they
did not respond.
The only
man who was running in Haiti’s now-postponed
presidential election run-offs
on Jan. 24, 2016, Jovenel Moïse, dispossessed as many as
800 peasants – who were legally farming –
and destroyed houses and crops two years ago, say
leaders of farmers’ associations in the Trou-du-Nord
area. Farmers remain homeless and out of work. The land
grabbed by the
Moïse founded, Agritrans, now hosts a
private banana plantation.
To grow bananas for export in a hungry nation,
Agritrans received
least $6 million in state loans, and
possibly much more. Agritrans seized a 1,000-hectare
(2,371-acre) tract from farmers, bulldozed their houses
and fields, used bribes to buy local support, distorted
claims of its benefit to local residents, and created a
phantom organization to legitimate itself.
Should he become president, the company Moïse
created would likely be a bellwether of loss of family
livelihood and domestic food production.
To stand for office, Moïse stepped down from
Agritrans last year, though he is still campaigning
under the moniker
Nèg Bannann, or the Banana Man. He portrays himself
as an
determined to transform Haiti’s
agricultural sector into private enterprise.
Moïse would have appeared alone on the
presidential ballot after the only other candidate who
was imposed on the run-off slate said that he would not
participate in
farce… [of] selections.” Moïse is from
the political party of the current president Michel
Martelly, whose principal platform has been “Haiti: Open
for Business.” Martelly himself came into office in 2011
through an invalid election backed – like the current
one – by then U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
who played a
role in imposing him.
A Moïse presidency would ensure that political
decisions prioritize free trade and private enterprise
over support for the destitute majority. This, in turn,
would likely give a green light to massive land grabs
that are planned or in process, while peasants working
the land would be dispossessed.
Expropriation and
Destruction of Homes
In August
2013, according to local residents, Agritrans forcefully
expelled hundreds of farmers who were legally using the
land. Local leader Milosten Castin, coordinator of the
organization Action to Reforest and Defend the
Environment, said that, with no warning, several
bulldozers invaded the land, plowing under crops and
forage used for grazing. The machines later destroyed
the homes of at least 17 families, many of whom remain
homeless today.
After protests organized by the Peasant Movement
for the Development of Deveren (MPDD) took place,
Agritrans gave the owners of the destroyed homes US$40
to US$700 each in compensation. Gilles St. Pierre, a
member of MPDD who lost his concrete block house, said
the compensation was inadequate. “What am I supposed to
do with $700 ?,” he asked in a phone interview. “I had a
house and land… and now I work as a taxi driver.”
Food for Export, Not for
Agritrans plantation is the first
free trade zone in the country,
established by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
This allows the company to take advantage of perks of
reduced tax and tariff payments, along with special
customs treatment.
By Haitian law, free trade zones must export at
least 70% of their products. Currently, Agritrans’
production – an estimated 40 containers of bananas
weekly – is shipped to Germany. At the same time, Haiti
does not produce enough food to feed itself. Destitute
Haitians must rely on imported staples, whose
are expected to rise this year.
The irony of shipping food to Europe was not lost
on one woman whose land had been seized. Asking to
remain anonymous for fear of retribution, she said,
“They’re sending bananas overseas, and now we have to go
to the border to buy Dominican bananas and plantains… It
doesn’t make sense.”
Another land grab may be imminent. In order to
comply with the contract with its German client, within
the next three years Agritrans must ramp up production
in order to ship 150 containers, equalling
tons, to Germany
each week. According the current CEO of Agritrans,
Pierre-Richard Joseph, this increase will require
more hectares of land.
One of the main demands of peasant groups in the
region, like their counterparts around Haiti, is food
sovereignty, whereby people democratically control the
production of food to meet the needs of their country
through local, ecological, and small-scale agriculture.
Another demand is government support for family
farming, including access to land, water, and markets.
“Haitian agriculture is based on peasant farms,”
said Castin. The World Bank estimates that
of Haiti’s rural population
is engaged in small-scale agriculture. “Any plan must
support their mode of [growing],” he said. “That’s what
will change this country.”
Arid Land for Family Farming,
Irrigated Land for Commerce
described the land in question as “abandoned,”
and also stated that Haiti has over one million hectares
of land “that
is being used for nothing.” Local peasant
groups disagree.
They argue that prior to
Agritrans’ takeover of the 1,000 hectares, the semi-arid
land was actively used by peasants, despite the limited
resources available to them. Peasant organizations and
individual farmers were grazing cattle on it and selling
the milk to NGOs and small-scale milk and yogurt
processors. Other farmers grew crops like millet,
cassava, corn, beans, and sweet potatoes, both to feed
their families and sell on the local market.
Now that the land is held by Agritrans and
millions of dollars in state loans have been invested in
it, row upon row of lush banana trees grow there,
irrigated by pumping groundwater. The transformation
reveals a fundamentally political question: If the land
had the capacity to become so productive, why didn’t the
government support peasant farmers to make it so,
instead of providing massive support to private
A woman living near the banana plantation stated,
requesting anonymity, “The government builds roads,”
that go past her garden, so “they could easily build
water reservoirs and irrigation canals. But they don’t.”
Creating or Destroying
Moïse has
cited the banana plantation in his campaign as evidence
of his ability to create much-needed jobs in a country
employment is 13%. Agritrans says it will
3,000 desperately needed jobs once the
plantation reaches it full capacity, propelling the
local economy. As of March 2015, only
jobs had been
created, including for agronomists, engineers,
agricultural technicians, and farm laborers. However,
according to interviews with some of those laborers,
“jobs” on the seized land are defined as 15-day
shifts. This creates both precarious, short-term jobs
for families and misleading employments figures.
Workers are paid the minimum wage of 200 gourdes
(US$3.53) per day, plus a plate of food — an amount
workers and other organizations, as well
as some prominent
owners, say cannot support a household.
The minimum wage covers just
19-37% of the cost
of living in Haiti.
Moïse has claimed that
farmers are included in the banana
business, both by providing labor as well as by holding
a 20% minority share in the business. He cited the
Peasant Federation of Pizans (FEPAP), claiming the
consortium was made up of eight peasant groups who had
previously worked the land.
According to leaders active around the plantation
area, this claim is misleading. In an interview,
Josaphat Antonéus, coordinator of a peasant coalition,
agreed. “FEPAP is a phantom organization,” he said.
“Peasant inclusion in the business is a facade
[Agritrans] wants to give at the global level.”
Castin claims that the so-called peasant groups
that make up FEPAP “were active back in 1980s. Maybe
they still have a president, or a secretary, but they
have no members today.” When asked about FEPAP’s 20%
shareholder status, Castin laughed. “Twenty percent of
what? No one in FEPAP is in Agritrans’ administration;
they don’t know what the profits are.”
Ben St. Jacques, an activist with a community
organization in the area, claimed that Agritrans paid
peasants to support the project, offering motorcycles
and televisions to FEPAP members.
According to residents, most of those who found
employment with Agritrans had never before had access to
the land. The organizations that allegedly comprise the
confederation of FEPAP had legal access to only
approximately 100 hectares prior to Agritrans’
take-over. Conversely, most of those who had worked the
land before being kicked off, and who had protested
their eviction, never found wage-work on the plantation.
For Gilles St. Pierre, who lost his home to the
plantation, while any single-candidate presidential
run-off is a farce, its outcome is deadly serious. “If
Jovenel is elected, he’ll have the same people around
him [who ordered my house razed], and he’ll do the same
thing again. It will be a disaster for small farmers,
even those with legal rights to the land.”
“If Jovenel becomes president,” he said, “this
country is finished.”
Bell, coordinator of Other Worlds, is an organizer
and writer who has worked with social movements in Haiti
for 35 years.
Natalie Miller, Other Worlds’ Media and Education
Coordinator, also helped with this article.
An earlier version of this article was first published on Other Worlds’
website, and is the third piece in a series on
rights and food sovereignty in Haiti.